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KFA Laban Dance Fitness

Would you like to teach dance inspired fitness classes, which are effective, safe and improve overall well-being for everyone?

Then look no further, this 1 day course is for you.

It is based on Rudolf Laban’s Analysis of Movement.  Laban was a dance theorist, teacher and choreographer who analysed movement.  This course provides a unique opportunity to develop creativity using dance and movement ideas that will make your class different and stand out from other disciplines.

For further information about The Keep Fit Association, please click here.

Course fee includes handbook and several lesson plans to get you started.

Course Dates:

Sunday 9th February 2025 (distance learning begins on 27th January 2025)

All sessions will run from 9-5pm.

The Keep Fit Association is a registered as a CIMSPA Training Provider.

The Laban Dance Fitness course attracts 10 CIMSPA CPD points.

United Kingdom
Course Cost £ 150.00